New Boudoir Photography Studio in Oak Grove, Missouri

“Well, it certainly doesn’t look like a dentist office anymore…”

GUYS! The soft opening of the NEW House of Divulged studio has been incredible! Several babes have already helped me break her in and it feels so good to be back in the swing of doing what I love most - making you feel like a Bad Bitch through pro level booty pics!

Can you even believe this place was a dentist office before I got ahold of it?! It’s kind of comical now to look back at where we started. Though, there were only a marginal amount of laughs during the journey to get here. It wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns, ya’ll - [it rarely is in life though, right?!]

I had originally scheduled to view a different building across the street. When the property manager mentioned showing me this space that day as well, my immediate thought was “a dentist office?! No wayyyy, surely she heard me say I was a PHOTOGRAPHER…” But, the price and location was ideal - and I didn’t have any more promising leads at the time, so what could it hurt to at least go check it out, too?!

It wasn’t exactly love at first sight to be honest. There wasn’t a ton of natural light, aside from the lobby area, it had A LOT of extra plumbing and drywall repair, and overall just felt very… stale, medical office. But as Megan mentioned the versatility of having multiple rooms for sets and I took in ALLLL the extra space I would have, I started to really see the potential. “Oh, and the owner of the building will let me do ANYTHING I want to the space?! WHERE DO I SIGN?!”

I was giddy and overflowing with excitement the day I got the keys last November, blissfully unaware of the long and unglamorous journey just ahead of me. I can officially say - I strongly dislike repairing drywall. And removing plumbing lines turned out to be a little more involved than “chopping it off and throwing a cap on it.” We even hosted a family of squirrels during that brutally cold week this winter and faced other unforeseen challenges. But I also learned how to update my own electrical outlets and that felt like an “independent woman” life skill I’m thrilled to have acquired. After long hours, late nights, and surviving off of fast food for months - she is finally ready for the world!

“Was it all worth it?!”

OBVIOUSLY! …I mean - just look at her! [Dabs corner of eye happy tears with a tissue.]

I can’t wait to welcome everyone back in for a GRAND REOPENING soon! In the meantime, I thought it might be kind of fun to do a little virtual studio tour here on the blog and across my social media feeds over the next few weeks! What do ya say?

I’ll be sharing full, in depth looks at each of the sets in the studio that are currently available including the inspiration behind them and a little styling guidance to help you plan out your next House of Divulged experience! We are going to create some real fcking magic here this year and I’m just so damn proud!