How To Take The Perfect Tush Selfie - A Boudoir Posing Guide
So you want to spice things up a little bit in your relationship this year? Or maybe you just haven’t been feeling yourself lately? To that I say, “I got you girl!”
I’ve received a few requests lately wanting me to share some tips on how to take better sexy selfies. Early yesterday evening while working in my in-home studio I noticed the gorgeous light in his corner and decided to whip out my trusty iPhone camera and play.
First, let’s talk about some general tips, ‘cuz timers ain’t easy.
Prep your space. Find a spot in your home near a window to get good natural light. Remove any unwanted distractions. Turn off all interior lights to avoid color casts from many standard bulbs. I took my photos around 4:45 when the sun was already starting to set, this allowed me to get a moodier feel and play with the shadows and silhouettes!
Prop your phone up facing the area you will be posing. I used a simple chair and leaned my phone against my water tumbler to prop it up. You want your camera to generally be about tush height for a flattering angle, or slightly above.
Set your camera to a 10 second timer - on burst mode if you have the option - hop in the frame and hope for the best.
When applicable, you always want to point your toes.
Cut yourself some slack, it’s gonna take a few tries to nail a timer selfie. I had around 30 photos to get just the few in this post.
Here are 3 poses you can try at home today!
1. “The Standing Ovation”
Delightlfully named based off the fact that this works for EVERYONE.
1. Stand with your back to the camera and feet together.
2. Bend one knee and lean it over, overlapping it slightly across the opposite knee in front of you…Keeping your feet lined up together facing forward. The foot of your bent knee should be on your toe.
3. Sink into your hip to create a natural curve in your side. Everyone has one side that sinks better so try both and pick the one that looks and feels the best to you.
4. ARCH ARCH ARCH that back by rolling your hips backwards to push your tush towards the camera. It’s important to keep your upper body upright in good posture, otherwise you will look like you are farting. Sorry but it’s the TRUTH!
5. Give your hands something to do. You want to keep your arms off of the sides of your body to create space and avoid adding bulk to your sides. I like to hold a chair or wall with one and put the other up in my hair. Raising your arms higher will also help stretch and lengthen your torso, too!
2. “The Lioness”
1. Stand on your knees in front of a chair, or any other surface of similar height. You want your legs spread about shoulder width apart or together but staggered in length - see next image.
2. Lean forward supporting yourself onto the chair using your arms.
3. Push your bum back towards the camera and as always ARCH ARCH ARCH your back.
2. “The Lioness” - Staggered Feet
3. “Space Cowboy”
Imagine a cowboy leaning all non-chalant against a wall. The idea here is to create a space in your back between you and the wall. Hince - Space Cowboy.
1. Place your propped phone angled to run down the side of a wall? Yea… I don’t know how to word that at the moment - see picture angel for reference. Ha!
2. Stand on your tippy toes against the wall. Only your bum should be touching the wall. One knee should be bent - whether it is the front knee or back knee varies person to person, so just try both and see which one you like better personally.
3. As always ARCH ARCH ARCH your back.
4. Give your hands something to do. One easy tip is to stretch them both all the way above you against the wall.
This shot works great either as full body or cropped in as I did here.
And because of course I couldn’t stop having fun there, here are a few more selfies I snagged. I hope these tips are helpful for your next self love selfie session! Let me know how it goes it you try them out!