STUDIO SET SPOTLIGHT - Living Room Set | Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

I love being able to customize each clients Divulged boudoir photoshoot to match their personal style and mood. One of the ways to make your experience unique is picking which sets you want to use for your photoshoot. I photograph client sessions out of my actual home which allows me to offer a wide range of set options for your experience. And being a gal that loves change - I rearrange and make tweaks to bring a fresh feel to the sets I offer quite frequently.

The most popular - and recommended - Divulged Boudoir Experience is the Daredevil. With this session each client gets to select 3 sets to use for their photoshoot. To help answer your questions and nail down which sets are the best fit for YOUR experience, I am dedicating an entire blog series putting each set option in the spotlight! While some tweaks are made to the set quite frequently the main feel and vibe of the set stays the same. In this series I will cover the overall vibe of the set and what I love about it!

The next set in the Studio Set Spotlight is another option of a“basics” sets that I recommend every babe select if it is their first time in the studio - The Living Room Set!

Generally speaking, I recommend every client selects either the bedroom set or the living room set [or both] as one of their 3 set choices for their first experience.




The living room set features a minimal, moody, and, laid back feel. The classic color pallet of black and grey creates a simple style to fit any client’s aesthetic. The living room set has perfect natural light placement from the windows behind the couch and the grid sliding door to the right to create a flattering highlight for every BODY.

A warm glow cast from candles dispersed in the set creates a romantic mood to your images.



There is a ton to love about the living room set. For starters, this is a comfortable and “easy” set for clients. If you are going for a more laid back and casual look for your session images - the living room set is the way to go. I say the living room set is an “easy” one for clients due to its nature. The living room is generally thought of to be a comfortable place to relax, so this set isn’t quite as intimidating as say maybe the shower set.

I also really really love the light that hits this area of the studio. We get tons of natural light pouring in from the surrounding windows and grid sliding door just to the right. I love how flattering this is for all clients. By moving my camera angle, I am able to get a wide variety of moods in the images from a darker vibe with lots of shadows to a bright and airy look that will make those eyes sparkle.

If this set is selected, we generally start the session here. Not only is this set less intimidating and more comfortable for clients but the range in poses I can capture here give us a ton of variety in your final gallery and gives me an idea in your range of flexibility.

While this set stays styled relatively the same I do sometimes swap out area rugs for a fresh look or move around plants and candles to create a new perspective and composition.