Gold Foil Boudoir Session - March Self Portraits | Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

Dear March, thanks but no thanks. I am glad you are over.

Not all that glitters is gold, ya’ll. But this self portrait boudoir session is both glittery and straight GOLD!

Before we get to the goods, can I be transparent for just a second?

Seasonal depression has KICKED MY ASS this season. It’s so wild how the weather can influence our mindset so freaking much. But, being an Earth sign girl (HELLO FELLOW VIRGOS!) my mood can be tied so much to the weather and different seasons. I don’t feel like I will ever be one of those people that can truly thrive during the cold, dreary months of midwest winter. One of these days, I will a happy little snowbird, migrating to warmer locations until Spring returns home. Until then though, I will surround myself with plants and lush green hues until it’s “safe” to go outside and soak up the sun.

I was so excited to try out this gold foil concept for March’s self portrait session. I’ve had this saved in my inspiration folder for ohhhh several years now but just hadn’t tackled it yet. March was the perfect opportunity to give it a go for a nod to St. Patrick’s day without being too obvious about it. I love the combination of green and gold!

Now I wont’t lie, this session was messy AF! Most of the gold flake was on the floor vs my body by the end of it, but I was totally worth it! Check out these images I captured!! I felt like such a goddess being all gilded in gold! I can’t wait to get my magazine copy in from this session!

Let me know what you think!