April Showers - Self Portrait Boudoir Session | Kansas City Boudoir Photographer
I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do a shower theme for April or a 420 theme…and then I remembered I’m an adult and can smoke a bong in the shower if I want to. So here we are!
Once again, I waited until the last minute to complete April’s Self Portrait Challenge. I really am enjoying the challenge though. It is pushing me in so many ways. Creatively for sure! Self Portraits give me a chance to try something new whether it be different lighting, a new technique, or trying out poses I don’t normally do to see what works and what doesn’t.
Since my shower doesn’t have glass, I can't ever accomplish the pretty water beaded glass images I see my peers doing. Enter an overlay! I don’t generally use overlays or extra photoshop type work in my galleries so this was something new and fun for my to try. I will be honest - I am still unsure how I feel about it, so I only added it to one image. (The detail shot towards the end with my leg and stomach.) I’m excited to keep playing with this technique, though, to find what works best with my images!
For wardrobe, I went with a classic look for the shower set - white crop t-shirt (which is available in the Merch shop BTW) and fishnets!
You know what they say about April Showers! I can’t wait to share with you May’s flowery session theme!