Turning Off a Negative Inner Critic - May Self Portrait Session | KANSAS CITY BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER
Me to myself : “You sure take a lot of photos of your boobs for a girl that doesn’t like her boobs.”
Followed by : “Well that isn’t very body positive of you. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
People often ask me how I gained so much confidence or how I turned off my inner critic. And here’s the thing you guys. I am ALSO a work in progress just like everyone else. I ALSO have a negative inner dialogue that sometimes gets the best of me. Body acceptance and having confidence in yourself requires constant effort and practice. I don’t believe it is something you achieve and get to keep without further work. This isn’t riding a bike.
I turn off my inner critic by acknowledging it and actively fighting against it. REGULARLY. I’m not perfect and I don’t love every part of myself - and THAT’S OK! When I feel down about one area, I acknowledge the feeling, and then don’t give it another ounce of my mental energy - usually by diversion or distraction. I may not love my boobs, but I do love my eyes, my smile, and my creative mind. So I think about that instead. Seems so simple really. And honestly, over the last 5ish years, it has gotten much easier than it started out. Practice makes perfect right?
I love the flow from April’s Self Portrait theme to May’s. April showers DO bring May flowers. When we water or nourish ourselves appropriately, we gift ourselves the environment to grow and bloom into our true unique beauty.
I’m not perfect - but steadily I’m growing to love myself in all of my imperfections.
Couples boudoir is more than a photoshoot—it’s an intimate experience that deepens your connection. Whether you want to celebrate your love, step outside your comfort zone, or just have a damn good time, this session is a “hell yes” for you and your person. Find out what to expect and why you need this in your life.