Cheers to 36! | My Birthday Boudoir Photoshoot

I freaking LOVE my birthday! I’m a “celebrate all month long” kind of girlie. Honestly, I love any excuse to celebrate - we have enough stresses and adult responsibilities to deal with - so gimme any reason to let my hair down and tink a fancy glass with friends.

I am also kind of [read extremely] addicted to growth and personal development. I spend a lot of energy on figuring out how to be a better version of myself both personally and professionally. My birthday is a perfect chance to reflect back on that growth since the previous year. Aging is such a gift that not everyone is given.

You want to know what else I freaking love? Putting on my favorite lingerie set and taking some self portraits. I preach to my clients about the confidence boost they will feel after a session and how empowering it is. Even as much as I hype others up to pour love into themselves and help them turn off their negative inner critic - I still fall victim to its criticism myself some days. I started making positive, self love posts initially because I needed to hear it myself and knew I wan’t alone in constantly attempting to meet the ever changing ideals of society.

When I do my own self portraits and take the time to doll myself up, I am refilling my own dang cup the same way I do for my clients. It is a reminder to me, too, that the firey Bad B*tch is still there just waiting for me to call her back to the surface anytime I need her. I don’t do these sessions for anyone else but myself.

Self Portraits also allow me the creative freedom to get a little wild and try new ideas without the stress of messing up. This year’s birthday session was no exception. I drank whiskey from a teacup, smeared pink icing across my body, and wrapped myself around a bubble lamp like it was a stripper pole. LMAO. And as a result I now have a new arsenal of props to confidently incorporate into future client sessions.


I loved using my tea cup and whiskey rocket to convey my motto that “you can’t be everyone’s cup of tea if you’re a shot of whiskey.” Not everyone is going to like you. But that doesn't mean you should change who you are to try and convince them to. Chances are, if they don’t like you - you probably won’t like them either. AND THAT’S OK!!!! There are plenty of people who don’t care for tea but are a whiskey connoisseur.