It is nerve wracking to strip naked in front of someone else, let alone knowing there will be photos taken. I totally get it. But that is precisely why you should do it. Something powerful happens when you let your guard down and are vulnerable in a safe space with someone you can trust. Someone that is not going to make you feel less than. But instead is going to hype you the fuck up and make you feel seen and empowered. A person that is going to stand next to you in your most vulnerable, insecure state and instead of criticizing says “YOU’RE A BAD BITCH!” Let me be that person for you.
Read MoreI am totally digging the wood filled cabin aesthetic paired with the warmth from the chandelier above the table at our condo in Keystone, Colorado. Equally as pleased with myself for bringing along the mustard velvet bodysuit from the client closet. I knew it was going to play well with the atmosphere here!
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