3 Things I Learned from The Cinematic Experience Workshop with Hannah Rachael Photography

Have you ever imagined yourself as the main character of a movie?! Who would play you?

I have admired Hannah’s work for several years. I love the way her images have depth and life paired with beautiful, saturated color combinations. The workshops in Nashville last November with The Boudoir Class were the perfect combination of inspiration, location, and timing that I needed! The final class I took last fall was Cinematic Experience with Hannah Rachael Photography. I am SO PUMPED about the new tricks I learned during this workshop!

3 things i learned from the cinematic experience workshop with hannah rachael photography

  1. Utilizing the 3 main light sources used in cinematography - key light, fill light, and backlight

  2. how styling and posing can help give intent by telling a story in your work

  3. how to find inspiration from outside of our boudoir photography niche

I really love how hannah taught us to use multiple light sources and ambient light to create more depth in our work and a cinematic feel. we had so much fun using storylines to bring more emotion in our images! I was “Eating It Up!”

Enjoy these images of Cordova, the starlet who was bombarded by papparazzi in her dressing room - but put on a show anyways! And Kristen, the fed up housewife that was pushed to bake her husband into a cake!