Blue Hour | Kansas City Outdoor Boudoir Photographer

I freaking live for summer time. I used to think I was a “fall” kind of girl [now don’t get me wrong, cozy sweaters and warm beverages still get me excited] but I have come to realize I much prefer long, hot summer days basking in the sun.

I grew up spending summer weekends at the lake with my family. It’s no surprise that outdoor boudoir sessions speak to my Earth sign soul.

There are still so many past sessions that I have yet to share anywhere - so I am still trying to work them in so they have a home to call their own. A few years ago I took a business education trip to Canada to attend Camp Do More. I have never been around so many like minded creatives in one place and the energy was life changing. This is definitely an experience I will never forget.

I love these images I captured of fellow boudoir photographer and make up artist, Francis, right outside my cabin. A group of us photographers got together at the end of one summer camp evening to practice what we had learned that day and take advantage of that gorgeous blue hour light in the evening just after the sun had set.

If you are interested in more information about your own boudoir experience, LET’S CHAT!