Can we talk about the elephant in the room for a second?

MONEY is a topic many people tend to shy away from but I think it’s important to talk about. There are many misconceptions about boudoir and sometimes inquiring clients get sticker shock when I send them my pricing. I get it. We see posts all the time of our local photographer offering family sessions for as little as $100. So when I send you my price guide and there are 4 numbers before the decimal - it's shocking. However, I find that usually sticker shock comes from clients not being fully educated on what a boudoir session entails.

“WOW! I didn't realize you were so expensive!” 

“That's outrageous! Nobody is going to pay that!” 

“Why does it cost so much?”

 I used to be bothered by these kind of statements. HELLO MONEY BLOCKS. But I have come to realize over the years that everyone values different things and has different budgets, so I no longer take it personally. Listen - some of you will spend $2500 on a handbag and I WOULD NEVERRRRR. It’s just not an item I personally value in my life. [If you do - GO FOR IT SISTER!] BUT I will absolutely drop $2500 on a boudoir workshop in Nashville without batting a false eyelash because the growth and connections I make at those events are priceless. The boudoir experience is in that same realm. The confidence boost you will get from seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes is PRICELESS. Dare I even say therapeutic?! Yes. Yes I dare.

Real talk - I literally cringe every time I see a [usually newer] photographer offering boudoir sessions for $200 - or if I'm being frank anything below $500 - and even that is an iffy number. I literally get anxious for the babes that book in for these “steals." CHEAP is literally the last word I would ever want to use to describe my intimate experience. “I HAD NUDE IMAGES TAKEN OF MYSELF AND IT WAS SO CHEAP!” [SQUIRMS IN MY DESK CHAIR] HONEY - YOU ARE NOT “CHEAP” AND YOU DESERVE TO FEEL LIKE A MILLION BUCKS! Think about it for a second, even on the surface level. You are about to take your clothes off and be vulnerable for someone you may not have ever met AND they are going to document the process. Is this something you really want to trust your neighbor with a camera with? 

I fully understand that budgeting and finances MUST be considered before you make any purchase. Being a Dave Ramsey graduate myself, I FULLY get it - and that is why I also offer monthly payment plans that work like layaway to make it more budget friendly. BUT I want to talk a bit about why boudoir photography is a luxury service with a price tag to match.

Full transparency - You can probably find cheaper boudoir photographers out there-- even in the range of $75-350. However, what you need to ask yourself before booking - why are they so much cheaper than other photographers in this niche??

Here's why choosing the “cheap” photographer is all around a bad idea.

Chances are, those photographers are fairly new to the game. They most likely haven’t done their research or had enough experience on how to pose bodies of all shapes and sizes.

I can’t tell you how many of my clients have had boudoir photos taken by another photographer who was “budget friendly,” and then ended up coming to me afterwards. Why? You truly do get what you pay for.

Clients who have booked with me after having a bad experience with a cheap photographer tend to have very similar complaints even. I’ve often heard that they were:

  • given little to no guidance on posing or how to prepare

  • they were posed in a way that was not flattering to their body

  • they felt like just a number on the photographer’s client list vs having any sort of connection.

Not only is that kind of “cheap” experience no fun - but it could be damaging to your self esteem.

An experienced boudoir photographer spends both time and money regularly educating themselves on posing a diverse group of bodies, staying up to date on the latest trends, and ensuring they have the proper equipment and location needed to create empowering images that will build their client’s confidence. In addition to continuing education, an experienced photographer will ensure the privacy of your intimate images is protected. This can look like privacy measures on digital devices, only ordering prints and products from reputable sources and providing a solid contract that details your privacy preferences and exactly how or if the images would be shared.

Speaking of products - this experience is something that has the power to build your confidence and help you fall in love with yourself. You are going to want to preserve and print these images so you can look back at them anytime you need a pick me up - even decades later! An experienced photographer sources printed products from reputable and luxury sources to make sure your images can be enjoyed for years to come. We want you to feel special after the experience and have products that reflect that as well.

Once you add in expenses like equipment, offering a client closet, professional hair and make up, and beautiful sets and props like Luxury Wings, that price tag starts creeping up a little higher. And don’t even get me started on taxes! Any reputable business should be reporting their income to the IRS and paying income tax on anything they make. If I’m being quite frank - that tax bit alone has me stumped on how a photographer can charge $350 for a session and not be in the hole at the end of the year - ESPECIALLY if they are offering professional hair and make up for their clients, which can range between $125-250 in the Kansas City area. The poor photographer would be left with PENNIES - if anything.

AT THE END OF THE DAY - The boudoir experience is worth the luxury price tag and YOU ARE WORTH INVESTING IN YOURSELF FOR THIS EXPERIENCE!