Posts tagged FAQ

Can we talk about the elephant in the room for a second? MONEY is a topic many people tend to shy away from but I think it’s important to talk about. There are many misconceptions about boudoir and sometimes inquiring clients get sticker shock when I send them my pricing. I get it. We see posts all the time of our local photographer offering family sessions for as little as $100. So when I send you my price guide and there are 4 numbers before the decimal - it's shocking. However, I find that usually sticker shock comes from clients not being fully educated on what a boudoir session entails.

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Should I Tan Before my Boudoir Session?

We are fully in the thick of summer here in Kansas City….I mean ALL THESE 90-100 degree temps LATELY, whyyyyyyy?? With summertime comes, well, sun.

Let’s chat tanning shall we?! A question clients often have when booking a boudoir session is “Should I tan before my photoshoot?” Depending who you ask, you might get varying answers - so I’m sharing my opinion regarding the matter.

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Can you move your...ummm...thread?! | Periods and Boudoir Photoshoots

So what should you do if you start your period before your boudoir session?!

I encourage all clients to take their monthly friend into consideration when booking a session date to avoid issues down the road. However, if you are anything like me - while my periods are light - the timing is unpredictable. She kind of does her own thing and shows up when she feels like it - kind of like that friend or relative that pops in unannounced and usually at the worse possible time.

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LINGERIE LAUNDRY CARE TIPS | Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

Great lingerie is not only delicate, but it can be quite expensive. If you’ve invested in pieces you love and feel confident in, it’s important to know how to properly care for your garments to maintain quality and lengthen their life.

We have all ruined garments in the washer or dryer at least once in our life. And IT SUCKS! Our intimate wear is one of those categories of clothing that come with special handling instructions to make sure it lasts a long time. You want your lingerie to keep its shape and withstand wear after multiple washes.

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PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT - Custom Designed Luxury Albums

Your boudoir photoshoot is an amazing, transformative experience that is going to result in stunning art you will want to preserve and look back on for years to come. This means you are going to want to select the perfect products depending how you envision preserving your images. The first product in the Product Spotlight series is the Divulged fan favorite - Luxury Photo Albums!

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