She Didn't Show Up | Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

Well…it happened. Awhile back, I had my first No Show. I have to say, I was pretty bummed. I get soooo excited on session days because it truly fills my cup making you feel like a million bucks and turning you into a work of art. Session days are literally my favorite part of the job for obvious reasons! The other days of the week are generally spent behind a computer quite honestly - definitely not the fun part. So yea…I was disappointed when my client for the day didn’t make it in for her session.

This may not have been the case in this instance, however, I know MANY clients consider cancelling their session the day of. Your nerves are through the roof. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU EVEN DOING?! Right? But take a deep breath. It is NORMAL to be nervous on session day. I honestly think it is part of the process in gaining confidence from the experience. You are doing something that is a little scary - most likely out of your comfort zone. DO IT ANYWAY! I promise you are in a safe and judgement free zone in my studio. Be your true self. Just show up. After all, YOU ARE A DAREDEVIL! After you tackle this scary thing with ease - and dare I even say FUN?! - you will have more confidence to tackle the next scary goal on your list.

My scheduled make up artist, Hillary, had already arrived and set up - so why not make the best of the situation, we thought! She did my hair and make up instead! I have a confession to make. This was actually the first time I had ever had my hair and make up professionally done. Eeeps. It’s kind of silly honestly, considering I book an artist for my sessions several times a week.

I have to say - I GET IT! I was just as shocked at my reflection when Hillary was finished and showed me the result of her work as my clients are of theirs. Make up artistry is truly an art form of it’s own and I am so thrilled to have a line up of such incredibly talented babes working with me to make clients feel their absolute best!

I mean - I couldn’t be fancy for nothing so I just kept rolling with it and did a full self portrait session! I actually included some of these images in a new album sample I just ordered for the studio! I am so pumped to finally see some of my own images in print!

Session Details:

Hair and Make Up: Hillary Rehms - @MakeUpHill

Black Wall Set: I threw on one of my favorite sets from Honey Birdette and decided to use the black wall set to test some new poses. I really do love the versatility of this little corner of my In Home Studio. I had been wanting to test out some posing on this old wooden ladder I picked up in the West Bottoms, so this was the perfect opportunity! I love mixing things up and always learn a few new tricks when I do self portrait sessions. I really enjoyed playing with some of my plants in the studio, like this Fiddle Leaf Fig, to shoot through and create a more voyeuristic feel.



While we are on the subject, I figured this was as good a time as any to mention the Divulged Studio policy on Same Day Cancellations/No Shows. I am human and I know that things happen. But that being said, by session day, a lot of the back end work has already begun. A lot of prep work goes into planning and prepping for your session. We also have other schedules to consider as well, like the hair and make up artist. In the event of a same day cancellation or no show the Experience Fee is forfeited and non refundable. A brand new session has to be booked to schedule another date.

Are you interested in more information about booking your own boudoir experience? Let’s Chat!